Thursday 22 November 2012

A Change in Direction...

Over the past few days I've been thinking to myself whether I am going in the right direction with my music video. Although I think that the footage I shot in the summer is of good quality, I just don't think I quite like the idea anymore. Not only that, in terms of practicality I have some major issues.

My actor lives in Manchester so the only time I can film with him in the shot is over the Christmas period and let's be honest, we both aren't going to have the time available to shoot a full music video.

No worries though, as I have a plan 'B' that I will set out in brief bullet points...
  • The video will center around two main characters, one male and one female
  • They both will be from London and aged around 20/21
  • Both of the characters will be having bad days and this will be shown in a split screen style
  • Similarities and contrasts will be shown via split screen
  • I eventually want the split screen to disappear as they both come closer to each other throughout the day
  • And, in the end they'd live happily ever after as they are both as misfortunate as one another
In order to achieve this I will have to get someone else to film the bits of the music video that I am in as I feel that I am a good enough actor to convey the emotion necessary in this music video. I will film the parts that do not have me in them.

I aim to get this all filmed by January/early February. I don't have much time at all between now and the editing process but I am 100% certain that I will produce a high quality piece of work.

Until next time...

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