Friday 14 December 2012

Permission Granted!

I contacted the record company associated with Fightstar in order to gain permission to use "Hide and Seek" as the song for my music video. They responded within a couple of hours stating that I should go ahead with the project, wishing me luck along the way.

Here's what I sent in the email to them:

"Dear Raw Power Management,

I'm wondering whether you can help me with a query regarding 'Search and Destroy Records' - I understand that this was a venture from Raw Power Management when Fightstar recorded their album 'Be Human'. I need to gain permission to use a song that was recorded as a B-Side on their single "The English Way" (Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap) for my A2 Media Studies coursework.

I was wondering whether you could give me any advice on how to go about contacting this label or whether in fact it is the correct thing to do.

I'd appreciate any help you could give me regarding this matter,

Jack Williams - Year 13 Student at The John Roan Sixth Form, London"

Here's their response:

"Hi Jack,
Yes we deal with this – this is fine. Good luck with your project.
Kind regards,
Raw Power Management/Search & Destroy Records"

Thursday 13 December 2012

Initial Ideas for "Hide and Seek"

This is a song with a lot of emotion in both the lyrics and the music. The song has also a 'bouncing' rhythm which I think would be perfect for a ballet style dance. I have already secured a dancer to choreograph the dance routine and perform in the video.

How I would link this to a potential storyline would be by introducing two characters, one male and one female to sit by a piano, watching the dance as a metaphor for their relationship. So perhaps some semi-dramatic 'falls' from the dancer would be appropriate as this would correllate with the relationship problems that would be shown beforehand.

I would like to start the video with perhaps the couple arguing or just sitting in silence. I would ideally like to film all scenes in the same setting in order to be more efficient. I could even get the whole video shot in one day with the correct planning.

A Change In Direction... Again

I've decided to change again what I'm going to produce as my main task. It's a complete change in direction as I'm changing the song and shooting in a completely different style.

I've decided to do this because I feel as if my ideas for the previous song had grown stale. I'd really gone off the whole storyline that I created, even though I had shot a few scenes and put them together to form a 30 second video.

I want to now film a music video that still has a storyline of sort, but it will be much more implicit to the viewer. The narrative would have to be deconstructed in order to fully understand what is occurring. It will be a challenge but it is one I am going to relish.

The song I have chosen is "Hide and Seek" - Fightstar. This was originally written by Imogen Heap but was recorded as a B-Side on their single "The English Way".