Saturday 29 September 2012

Thoughts about setting...

Having watched many music videos and analysed a variety of them in depth, I've begun to think about the setting and characters in my own music video.

Following on from my initial ideas, I've decided that I'm going to include a variety of interior and exterior shots. The camera will follow around the central character in their every day life, telling the story as it unfolds.

The setting will be in and around my local area which is suburban London. However, I think getting some shots around the rest of London will add to the regional identity of the characters, whilst at the same time having a variety of scenes to keep the audience interested. I don't want to make it seem like I have gone out and shoot footage all in one day in my local area. I'll have to travel around a bit in order to make the video look that bit more professional.

In terms of performance shots, I'd like to get footage of Joe performing in a local venue. If I can combine the acting and performance together in one (or a collection) of shots then I think that would add another dimension to my video, blurring the line between the actors and performer.

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