Wednesday 26 September 2012

"See Ya" Synopsis

I now know what I want to shoot, how I want to shoot it and what I want to convey. The lyrics in the song need to be put across in the video; therefore a strong storyline is needed.

The lyrics tell the story of a person being alienated from a friend's life. I think the best way to show ths friendship breaking down would be to film the pair drifting apart with the main character being the friend that has been/is being alienated.

I want to film the music video both indoors and outdoors. The messiness of the house will create the mise-en-scene associated with what I'm trying to achieve and the potentially bad weather outside could again put pathetic falacy into the mix.

A variety of camera shots and techniques need to be used in order to retain the viewers' attention and to prevent the music video from becoming a dull commentary on the song. Performance shots will contribute to my effort of trying to make this music video compelling, yet interesting to watch.

In terms of editing, I want to steer clear of any transition apart from a change of shot. I think transitional effects are tacky and look unprofessional; particularly in contemporary music videos. I would like to include some 'flashback' shots of the past and would ensure that these shots were turned black and white when it came to editing.

The audience I'm aiming the music video at is young people who potentially have experienced the same things that are being conveyed in the music video. In order to achieve that I will have to ensure that the mise-en-scene is appropriate.

Jeans, T Shirts and hooded sweatshirts are the items of clothing I would like the characters in my music video to wear as it can be directly linked to my potential target audience. Whilst I would like the setting to be suburban London as again, suburbia is seen as a place that can hold many memories for teenagers and young people, particularly in London.

I hope the shooting of the music video goes well. It'll be a lengthy process but an extremely rewarding one I'm sure.

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