Thursday 27 September 2012

Similar Media Product Research #1

Bowling For Soup - When We Die

The narrative of this music video represents a young man who is struggling to form a relationship with his Father. This not only is a powerful narrative but is also relevant to the music and the lyrics. This is something I want to achieve with my music video. I feel as if a music video has a strong and emotive narrative, the audience can relate to it much more.

Flashbacks are also used to good effect to show the relationship between the Father and Son. This technique helps the audience to build a relationship with the characters in the video, thus making it a more personal viewing experience.

In the beginning of the video, props are used to describe what the video is going to be based around. The alarm clock and in particular the calendar with "Dad's Bday" written on it help the audience to distinguish who the characters are and what their role is.

I think this music video would be more appealing to a young male audience as they could relate to the storyline more. There are many young males who have bad relationships with their parent/s and if pulled off, a music video like this could become extremely popular, becoming a cult hit. I'd like to steer clear of alienating my audience though and I would like to make my music video relevant to both genders.

An interesting element of this music video is the 'crossover' between what is reality (at least in the music video) and performance footage. The band are performing in the parents' front room and they are oblivious to this. This also relates back to the narrative as it could be a visual metaphor for the Father and son's relationship. I would like to capture some footage of the artist of the song I'm using performing but fitting it in with the main narrative could prove to be rather difficult and unrealistic.

The secondary setting of this music video is a claustrophobic 'cell' where the lead singer of the band and in relevance to the music video, the son, is trapped. The size of this room is exaggerated by the use of a telephoto lens to make the angle of view narrow. This is effective in creating the feeling of imprisonment as all objects appear to be the same distance apart.

This is the first video I have researched but I can already see it having an influence on the way I am thinking and tackling my practical work.

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