Sunday 10 March 2013

Time Lapse Set-Up

This evening, after my light box and studio lamp arrived the previous morning I decided it would be appropriate to begin my time-lapse photography project which will be integrated into my music video. I will be photographing a flower every three hours over a period of around ten days in order to mirror a dying relationship.

I started off by securing my black backdrop with Velcro onto the white light box. In order to achieve high contrast levels, I chose a white rose as the flower to use in the project.

As you can see in the photos attached to this blogpost, I am using a professional studio lamp to provide important direct light to my flower in order to boost contrast levels.

After securing the backdrop, I secured the rose to it with heavy-duty black tape in order to prevent the flower from falling over in the next week whilst it decays and changes shape.

I then set up my DSLR camera on a heavy duty tripod in order to ensure stability. I composed the image originally with the flower facing slightly away from the camera and the lamp. However, I later changed this (see photos) and lowered the tripod so that I could get an extreme close-up that was directly pointing at the flower to make the composition more appealing and powerful.

After this, I ensured that the curtains were drawn in order to maintain a constant exposure over a long period of time.

I then set the cable release timer to take an exposure every three hours, one-hundred times over. After that, I shut the door in hope that nothing falls over or changes too dramatically. Let's see how it goes!

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