Tuesday 5 February 2013

Survey Results

I have decided to conclude the survey that I started up at the beginning of the course. The information that I have gathered will be vital in ensuring that I produce a piece of work that pleases my target audience and at the same time, sticks to certain conventions.

My survey is here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P8BH9C6

Here are some pie charts showing the views of my target audience (15-21):

Based on these findings, I've been able to establish who my target audience is. I will now begin to target them using specific techniques in the making process of my music video, digipak and poster after conducting thorough research of media products similar to those that I'm eventually going to create.
I believe my target audience, according to these findings on Survey Monkey to be aged 15-21 (as I posted all of my plugs for my survey on Facebook - my friends are all in that age group). They're quite evidently all very engaged in music videos as most people stated that they watched four or more music videos a week, with most of them views being on YouTube; they are therefore very up-to-date with the current ways on how to watch music videos and engage with artists using technology.

Most people said they like to see an interesting narrative in their music video, coupled with it reflecting events in their own life. Nineteen out of the twenty-five people who answered the question entitled "When a music video is particularly interesting I tend to give credit to..." said they give credit to both the artist and the director of the music video. It is therefore important that I produce a music video that reflects the lyrics of the song, in order to make it appear there was a real, strong relationship with the director and the artist.

I look forward to meeting the needs of my audience in the near future!

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